From University Corporate to Early Retirement with Transcription Work

transcription work in retirement Sep 06, 2019

This interview is from one of the students that have gone through our transcription course. She was busy working in a university, helping students navigate through college life, from their start through graduation, along with supporting the faculty there.

You'll read that despite enjoying her position, she suffered from some of the drawbacks of working a corporate role, including long commutes to work, which left her feeling exhausted.

With the help of training, she was able to go through our course and land her first client immediately!

Keep reading to see how she did it!

Q: Can you tell us a little about your background?

My background is business administration at Ryerson University. I guided the students through university life, from their arrival through to graduation. I also worked with faculty and managed the program's website.

Q: What did your life look like before TA?

Although I enjoyed my corporate role, I had a long commute and over the years traffic had increased, which meant the commute was becoming longer and more exhausting.

It was time for a change, so my husband and I took an earlier-than-expected retirement from our full-time positions and relocated to a smaller home in a quiet retirement community.

Q: When did you start doing transcription, and what made you decide to learn it?

I always knew I would want/need a part-time job to supplement my retirement funds. Also, we wanted to divide time between where we live and where our adult children live on the other side of the country.

It didn't make sense to tie myself down to an office or shop where I'd lose the income if I was away from home, so I Googled “work from anywhere” and the search led me to Transcribe Anywhere.

Q: What was the most challenging part of getting started?

A big challenge was becoming reacquainted with proper grammar and punctuation, and then getting through the practice dictations.

I wandered away from the course a couple of times, but giving up didn't feel like the right decision so I decided to persevere no matter what and to not let anything get in the way.

That was the best decision I ever made! We were away from home for three months last year and I earned income the whole time. It's great!

Q: What have been the most valuable things you learned during the course?

First and foremost, you cannot be successful in any career without proper training.

The Transcribe Anywhere admin team really wants students to succeed and they offer so much help and support. It's not just an impersonal online course.

They are real people offering real help throughout, and this continues even after graduation. The emphasis on grammar and punctuation has been invaluable. The numerous practice dictations helped me to become comfortable with accented speakers, multiple speakers, and different topics.

I learned how to transcribe with accuracy, confidence and speed.

Q: How long did it take you to find your first client/job? How many clients/jobs do you have now?

I was accepted for work immediately. I missed guiding students and I wanted to guide people toward success again.

I researched several companies and chose one that I thought would give me that opportunity. Because of the skills I learned in Transcribe Anywhere, I had no trouble qualifying to join their team.

The pay was low to begin with, but that didn't bother me because it was never my intention to stay at that lower level. It didn't take me long to work my way up the ladder and, after I had proven myself, I was offered the opportunity to review the work of others to assess whether their work meets company standards.

I accepted the challenge.

My role now is to review the work of new transcriptionists and offer them feedback. If they read my notes and implement my suggestions, their performance will improve. I love that I have the expertise to help other aspiring transcriptionists.

My next goal is to join the administration team.

Q: How long did it take you to recoup the cost of the course?

A few weeks at most. There are many pathways to success in transcription. Decide what your niche is and focus on that niche, and the money will come.

Q: What advice would you give anyone thinking about becoming a transcriptionist? Is it worth the money for training?

It is worth the money because one cannot succeed in any career without the proper training. Transcribe Anywhere is the most comprehensive course available. The training also helps with the self-confidence necessary for success.

Q: What do you think it takes to be a GOOD transcriptionist?

I would say the most important thing is a love for words, both spoken and written. Also, it can't be just about the money. The money is important, obviously, but I would do this work just for the love of it. I feel empowered, and that makes me successful no matter what my earnings are.

Q: What's your favorite thing about being a transcriptionist?

I love the freedom of being able to earn from any location. If it weren't for transcription, I would not be able to visit my family as often as I do. I also love that I don't have to negotiate my workday or request permission to take time off. I had years of office politics and I'm done with that.

Q: What's your least favorite thing about being a transcriptionist?

I grow weary of audio recorded in noisy places. I've transcribed interviews in busy coffee shops, beside a roaring waterfall or, the worst one, in a train station at rush hour. The noise of the trains was deafening. It almost completely drowned out the speakers. I just roll with it, though. Transcribe Anywhere prepared me well, and there is always an easier project around the corner.

Q: What does a typical day look like for you?

I choose to work part-time. I work three to four hours most days of the week. When I am transcribing, I prefer mornings as that is when I feel I am most energized. When I am reviewing, I will work at any time during the day because that role does not require as much creative effort.

Q: Anything else you'd like to share?

Research has proven that attitude is a crucial component of success in anything we do. We say we don't have time, or life got in the way, which often means, on a subconscious level, “I am struggling with this so I found a reason not to do it.”

My transcription success began when I decided to nurture a positive thought process toward the course and toward transcription as a career.

Once I made that decision, the coursework was no longer a barrier. It was just something I had to do, and I worked on it consistently no matter that I was tired, frustrated, or whatever.

I still had those feelings but they no longer stopped me from moving forward. Transcription as a career is completely doable, if you want it, and TA gives you all the resources you need to make it happen.

Our Take

Thanks so much for sharing your story, Marg. It sounds great that you are afforded the opportunity to visit your family often and get to experience the freedom of working anywhere! Awesome!

Your Turn

Are you thinking of setting out to start your own freelance business? Check out the transcription world if you're looking to work from home and enjoy the freedom and flexibility of freelancing.

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